Colloquium - The Voice of Customer

Call for Papers

The underlying tension between accessible and robustly reliable information on the one hand, cost and speed on the other, have enhanced the role of technologies and how communication works with them. From technical communication to marketing, from telecommunications to health, technology-driven instruments have altered the mode, the volume and the readiness of information worldwide and deeply shape the professions and their output.

Domain-specific contexts, texts and tools demand that research and practice in Technical Communication, Translation and Terminology generate intense dialogue with industry, the institutions and the professions, to cross-pollinate specialist contribution.

When we are developing or translating documentation, marketing materials, gamification materials, among others, we take into consideration our customer or user. Who is our customer? What is missing for the customer? Which are the customer’s requests, lacks, needs? How is our work going to address customer needs, considering that they can be individuals, businesses, institutions and even wider collective entities?

However, it is not always easy to have answers to these questions, to assess or even anticipate these needs, to understand how to improve our work, so that the result can meet expectations. It is a fact that open faults in internal tools, troubleshooting processes and Customer Perceived Value surveys can provide some results. Still, it is just the tip of the iceberg in a sea of questions.

Moreover, it is also very important to think how our customer is using our work, how to modernize it and innovate, to ensure that engagement is always present, in furthering customer and producer benefits.

With this Technical Communication Colloquium, we aim to bring together those who work for customers and the customers themselves, in order to attend to gaps, share ideas, and reflect on new ways of doing more and better.


The Call

Based on the issues and topics presented above, we invite you to participate in the following forms:


In addition to the conferences by keynote speakers, talks will be held, each of twenty minutes and followed by discussion sessions of twenty minutes.


Work in poster format should follow the themes of the conference and should be presented in Portuguese or English.

Printing, posting and removal of posters is the responsibility of the authors. The size is A0 (1189mm x 841mm). The standard poster header will be available on the Technical Communication - Voice of Customer website.

Proposals for any type of participation as described above must be between 250 and 300 words and should be submitted by August 31st 2018, along with a short bionote of the author/s, to the Easychair provided for this purpose.

Keynote talks

Keynote talks will be given by invited researchers: teachers, experts and communicators whose work is recognized and inspiring. Each conference will last for forty-five minutes.